Thursday, September 13, 2007

Friday Flash 55! Once more unto the breech...

Joe liked working with people. He had a great style with customers and all loved him. He never failed to satisfy even the toughest customer. Sid came in and was impossible. Sid was unsatisfied no matter what Joe tried to do to help him. Joe punched Sid square in the nose. It felt really good!

I work with people all day, and every now and then, you meet this guy! My 55 is an ode to the fantasy all of us in a service profession have!


Reverend Michael Kilgore said...

Things are good, but I seem not to get invited to webcam sessions!

Anonymous said...

NOW, didn't that virtual punch in the nose feel GREAT!!!!

great job!

remind me not to get on your bad side!!


Reverend Michael Kilgore said...

She actually didn't mention the cackle....Alas, dears, I have to earn my paltry living...

Mona said...

I am sure it did feel good! LOL! Some customers think that is the way to get total value for your money! harass the ones they are paying!
Good one mike!

Toadee said...

you fantasize for all of us who have ever dealt with 'those' customers.

Snow White said...

I know that feeling! Great 55!

Mike Minzes said...

I feel the same way sometimes. Great 55!

G-Man said...

I thought you said you struggled?
Great Job again Mike!
Have a fun week-end!

snowelf said...

After years of retail...ugh, I think a lot of us know just how you feel!!

Happy Friday, Mike!

lime said...

the sids of the world are why i wouldn't do well in sales or customer service.

SignGurl said...

Remind me not to be on the other side of the counter from Joe.

Nicely done!

Reverend Michael Kilgore said...

Mona, glad you liked it


Snow white-after reading yours, mine seems a bit "flaccid"!

Mike-thanks for stopping.

Gman-I'll never keep up with you!

snow-thanks for stopping and Happy Friday to you, too.

Lime-true, but its all I know...

Sign-Joe is my alter-ego whos hard at work in my head while I smile at assholes!

S said...

LMAO I am sure we have all wanted to do that!

Thanks for playing 55 with us! See you next week.

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by, thought I'd return the compliment.Your 55 reminded me of an incident from years ago when I worked in a casino bank .
One day, one of the waitresses came to me in tears because a customer kept complaining in a very nasty way about the coffee she served. I took the (free) coffee to the guy and said " Would you like this with or without hospital food?"
The guy chose to shut his face and drink his coffee - he was bullying the waitress because she was young and easy to upset. I told her, in future you give them the choice, drink it or wear it!
So on the whole I don't think I'd be great working in a service industry, there'd be murder and mayhem! lol

Head Cookie said...

Well slugger I bet you feel better now.

Sophia said...

I've wanted to do that a time or two!