Saturday, September 29, 2007

Flash 55-On Saturday!

Ok guys, its been a rough week-sometimes the personal life gets in the way of the creative life (Mrs. Mike says that the other way around!) Anyway-here goes...

I look into your eyes and see...
Great passion.

I look into your eyes and see...
My home.

I look into your eyes and see...
My life.

I look into your eyes and see...
All of me, living, dying, loving, children...and one giant pain in the ass!

Why don't we get drunk and screw?

(If you aren't aquainted with him-that's a Jimmy Buffet song and I'm a bit of a parrothead...)


snowelf said...

Morning Mike,

WTG, Parrothead!!



G-Man said...

I hoped to God you showed this to Mrs.Mike..
Great job!!
Have a good week-end...G

Mona said...

Great Post Mike! :)

That is such a wonderful idea For the weekend!

Snow White said...

I love it! I'm a Parrothead from way back. And a GREAT 55! Glad you finally got motivated. xox

lime said...

rock on, mike! you got the rock and roll version of my 55 dontcha, hehehehe

S said...

Youre just a little cheeseburger in paradise, are you?


My fave Buffet song is Come Monday....

Thanks for playing 55 with us, see you next week!

Head Cookie said...

Nice one Mike. I like Buffet.

Reverend Michael Kilgore said...

Snowelf-glad you enjoyed it-maybe I should change my latitude?

Galen-she steers clear of the blog!

Mona-already got shot down!

Snow white-you DID give me a kick in the ass to get me moving..thanks!


s-a bald headed cheeseburger at that...

Thanks Jadey!

Missy-I never look at the clock when I drink, it might lower my opinion of myself!

Flash said...


Sophia said...

Hey there you only do Friday 55s now? I just realized that you hadn't made me barf in a while and I wanted to make sure you were ok!

Anonymous said...

LOL! 'Let's get drunk and screw, eh?'

I'll be joining in again soon...

Miss you guys

Reverend Michael Kilgore said...

Flash-you say that like its a bad thing!

Sophia, though this woukd send you running for the porcelen bus driver's seat!

Ambre, does this mean you're on board???