Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday Flash 55-Skipping Stones

He walked down to the lakeshore, selected the flattest stones he could find and began skipping them across the surface of the water. He had always felt a sense of calmness and spiritual connection at the water's edge.He named each stone with a negative experience he had. When the stones were gone....he breathed.


Alice Audrey said...

That's a very good mental exercise. Hope it wasn't too many stones before he could breathe.

g-man said...

Dang Mike....
A lot of thought went into tossin a few rocks in the water!!
Excellent 55 My Friend!
I hope you start back doing these on a regular basis again..
You Rock!! Have a Kick-Ass Week-End...G

♥ Boomer ♥ said...

Oh, so good!!! Great 55!!!

lime said...

oh i think i need to adopt this method. terrific idea and 55!

Anonymous said...

Nothings better than standing at the water, except getting your frustrations out!

Good 55!

Anonymous said...

I love the visual of skipping the negativity across the beauty of a body of water. I will try it some time! Thanks for coming by my place too.

Chef Kar

Mona said...

wow! That is a good idea to cast away your blues! I guess that must help a lot!

Head Cookie said...

Awesome way to help let go of some of those bad experiences. Great 55 Mike mine is up