Thursday, November 5, 2009

Friday Flash 55-Meditation

Having released his frustrations into the healing waters of the lake, he climbed a hill that sat high above the water. He sat cross-legged under a majestic old oak and watched a hawk glide majestically overhead. He closed his eyes, listened to the call of the hawk and accepted the energy of Spirit deeply.

Guess I'm getting a little more introspective of late. I recently started meditation and have hung around some new-agey types. Why these ancient beliefs are called new, I'll never know. I guess you're never to old to look in new directions....or old ones!


lime said...

i wish you peace

Anonymous said...

Very soothing ~ meditation and the hawk.

Thanks for stopping by my place.

Chef Kar

Brian Miller said...

nice. great 55...wish i was on that cliff...

Lulda Casadaga said...

I love meditation and I am a Massage Therapist, so it kinda comes with the territory...
I listen to a boatload of New Age music. but I draw the line at wearing Birkenstocks! :D They are not very comfortable...anyway, love your peaceful 55! Keep meditating my friend.

g-man said...

Introspective and meditating 55's are awesome!
Especially This One!
Thank you so much for playing and visiting this Friday...You Rock!
Have a Kick-Ass Week-End...G

♥ Boomer ♥ said...

Very nice there, Mike! A soothing 55!

forever lost said...

great meditation! and renewing focus for the day? that cliff sounds like a spot we all need with in our mind's eye.

Mona said...

We do derive a lot of strength from the existence around us!

Akelamalu said...

Deep 55

I think meditation is good. :)

Maude Lynn said...

This is very soothing. I like it!