Sunday, August 19, 2007

Flash Friday 55 (on Sunday, some of us work, ya know..)

I just had a slice of pie.

I love pie, it's my favorite dessert.

Pie is going to the orchard on a brisk October weekend.

Pie is my favorite Aunt's house on Thanksgiving with all my extended family.

Pie is the diner my Father stopped at on our way home from camping.

I love pie.


Anonymous said...

Excellent Mike! I mean, who doesn't LOVE PIE! There's so many flavors!

I am expecting you to join in next week Mike!

~great job~

Reverend Michael Kilgore said...

Thanks Ambre! I will, but probably not on Friday!

Head Cookie said...

Hey there Mike,

I love pie especially Chocolate Cream pie yummy. So do tell when you ever going to visit mine? Its been up and it was on time. Take care.

Sophia said...

Awww man! Now I want some pie!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mike, I asked you about your article in the thread, but you IGNORED ME!

I shall have to go and dig through the file cabinet all on my own then. I wanted the title.

I will read it now, AND some of your others!


Reverend Michael Kilgore said...

Actually, there is a link here to that article and a couple of others.

Anonymous said...

Very well then ole chap!

I'm a clicking away!

For the record, Crystal NEVER allows her flesh to make contact with a public potty!


Head Cookie said...

I have read the global warming article very informative.

Anonymous said...

The lady has read your Global Warming article and I must say that you are a very well written young man Mike. I shall read more of them, but try to write something girly for me OK!


Head Cookie said...

Hey there Mike just wanted to let you know when you get a chance you may want to check out a new poem I have up in the poetry coffeehouse on Helium as well as on my blog.

Reverend Michael Kilgore said...

Well written YOUNG man! Marry me you fool! (if you don't mind being married to a bigamist, that is...)

Anonymous said...

I shall have to ponder the bigamist offer Mike! Is there a time limit?


Sophia said...

Awww Mike...I just saw your link to my blog -- Sweet Sophia. Finally, somebody gets me!!!! (hugs)

Sophia said...

It's me again! hehehe...I just wanted to tell you that I really liked your article on steroids and baseball...Magnifico!!!!

Reverend Michael Kilgore said...

Ambre-time limits are so limiting


Logophile said...

mmmm, pie
Jim Gaffigan does a whole thing about cake and pie, love it, that was totally a random thought sorry about that.
Nice 55!~