Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Flash 55-Resolution

He began to realize as he drew nearer the half century mark, that he was developing a certain similarity to the Pillsbury Dough Boy. He resolved to attack the problem and no time better than the New Year! Off to Gold's Gym for a one dollar sign up deal. Resolve is very highly over-rated!

Hi guys, sorry to have been absent for so long but life intrudes! The better half joined the gym to use the pool and talked me into it. Some years ago, I coached high school football, some baseball and was fairly active. Lately....not so much. There is a definte softening of the middle and things have gotten a lot heavier lately. I'm blaming gravity......So its off to the gym 3 times a week. Damn.....


Dianne said...

Glad to hear from you, there was a rift in the Force from your absence.

Just turned the 5-0 myself and am working more, and exercising less.

You always feel better when you work out. Keep it up.

Brian Miller said...

lol. i have an allergy to the really...ok, so i am softening too. smiles. nice 55.

mine is up!

hope said...

I just turned 2 years past that point and I will never get over my fear of the Gym. ;)

Then again, I think the Pillsbury Dough Boy is comforting. Nicely done!

Susan at Stony River said...

Cute! I'm glad you're back -- and good luck at the gym.

Just be sure to wear some pants, and no giggling, no matter who pokes your tummy --

Dr.John said...

I walk every day on the treadmill does that count?

♥ Boomer ♥ said...

Good luck on that commitment! With the warmer weather, it will be easier for us to get back to the rec center and walk the pool! I've missed that. Even though it's heated, allegedly, it's difficult to want to go do that when it's bitterly cold. Great 55!

inappropriatesue said...

What, you mean I can blame gravity? Awesome! LOL Great 55 and very relevant for a lot of people :) Thanks for visiting mine!

g-man said...

Hey Mike...
Welcome back!
Now I love your resolve, but you can do a 55 on the can for crying out loud.
Excellent job Son, hope to see you back next week, and have a Kick Ass Week-End...G

Maude Lynn said...

Now, you've given me gym guilt!

Cute 55!

snowelf said...

What?! Exercise! That leaves very little time for blogging. ;)

Kidding, kidding. Keep it up--you'll be grateful you did. :)
