Thursday, December 3, 2009

Friday Flash 55-Endings

He had struggled long and hard with it, but in the end, he knew that he had to. Surronded with negativity and performing tasks he wasn't proud of had taken their toll. He gave his notice and enrolled in the classes he had yearned to take. Growth is tough but at least he would sleep!


g-man said...

Hey It's never too late to learn a little bit more...
Excellent 55 Mike...As Always!
You add a special touch of class every week, and I really appreciate it.
Thanks for this awesome contribution, and have a Kick Ass Week-End...G

Kathleen said...

Sweet one!
Well done and well met!

Mine's here:

And if it bums you out too much, come visit my happy blog:

Janna said...

Ah, yes! One of those great turning points in life, captured in exactly 55 words. :)

Anything that provides a couple more hours of sleep can't be all bad.

Thanks for doing Friday 55!
Mine is ready, too... right HERE.

Felicitas said...

Tough is a prerequisite to growth. Terrific 55!

Anonymous said...

I did the very same thing when I quit corporate America to become a chef ~ BEST decision I ever made. It's never too late to follow your passion.

I'm up:

Friday Flash 55 ~ Sobering 55

Dr.John said...

A turning point, indeed. So much in one little 55.
Well done.
I have finished my 55.
You’ll find it
But it’s a groaner.

clean and crazy said...

great 55, keep moving forward!! mine is up too

Mona said...

I guess its never to late to do what you love to do!

Brian Miller said...

great 55...i walked away from the corporate rat race about 6 years ago to pursue a dream...hard to do, but i have never looked back.

mine is up!

Monkey Man said...

Growth is tough. Almost as tough as admitting we need it. Great 55. My 55 is HERE.

Dianne said...

You caught me sleeping until the last line!
Thanks MK for all you write, Keep it up.
as g-man said, HAKAWE
I say LITSNT (life is too short not to)

Larry said...

I enjoy reading your blog and look forward to reading more next week.
see you next week.

Green River Killer
See you next week

Larry said...

nice post mike and thanks for stopping by. I look forward to hearing from you again.
Larry.mine is up just follow the link below.

Microfiction Monday

Lost little Gaby

Larry said...

nice post mike and thanks for stopping by. I look forward to hearing from you again.
Larry.mine is up just follow the link below.

Microfiction Monday

Lost little Gaby

Larry said...

nice post mike and thanks for stopping by. I look forward to hearing from you again.
Larry.mine is up just follow the link below.

Microfiction Monday

Lost little Gaby

Head Cookie said...

Everyone needs to be happy and learning a new trade is something to be proud of.

clean and crazy said...

hey did you know today is the g-mans birthday, he is feeling a bit under the weather, i have made him a card and posted it on my blog, my goal is to get as many 55 players to copy and post the card on their blog, maybe with your 55? he won't be checking up on us until later tonight so maybe we can give him a cyber surprise party. ok i got a lot of other blogs to visit, have a great day!!