Thursday, February 12, 2009

Friday Flash-in 55!

I woke up and rolled towards the middle of the bed. She was facing away from me sleeping with a slow and steady breath. I cozied up and ran a hand along her silky smooth side and down across her hip. Gone for a while, but back now and familiar. I smiled and drifted off...

Admit're never sure what will be here on Friday! Me neither......Happy Friday the 13th!


Mona said...

It must be a delight to rediscover love...remember to give her a gift tomorrow!

I admit, but its not unexpected...

Happy Friday 13th to you too!

Mojo said...


I vaguely remember such times. Vaguely. Nice as I recall.

G-Man said...

Sometimes the dream comes true!
Excellent 55 as always.
Relationship, Love, or Romantic 55's are my favorite...Thanks
Thanks for visiting others as well.
Have a Great Week-End....G

Head Cookie said...

Sounds so very romantic and so comforting. Nice job.

Head Cookie said...

Oh my 55 is up

Cha Cha said...

Awwww...I'm with the G-dude...

This kind of 55 leaves me all warm and tingly.

Best wishes in the new home.

I ADORE claw-foot tubs...I'm soooo jealous. They rock!

And thanks for coming by mine!

Yep, Happy Friday the 13th! I'm so excited! Having it the day before V-day is WAY too cool. It's gonna be an interesting weekend...

Akelamalu said...

So romantic and a happy ending too methinks. :)

Mine's up too.

Pam said...

wow...great 55 :) i've kinda got a 'romantic' one...i don't even know if you want to call it flash fiction lol

Donnetta said...

Mmm. Sounds happy and warm and content. Can't beat that. If that was Friday 13th, how did Valentine's Day (evening) turn out? D

Evalinn said...

Nice story for Valentine! :-)